Thursday, June 28, 2012

Time To Clean Up Your Email. No Really, It's Time.

It's time to clean up my email.  Likely yours as well.

I knew it was time to do something about it when I was contemplating whether to subscribe to a daily devotional email.  That's not right.  I just had too many emails coming in each day.

So, join me in cleaning up my email.  Take some time each day and contemplate the following.

*Is this an email I even look at?  If not, open it and take the time to unsubscribe.

*Is this an email from a company I have interest in?  If not, open it and take the time to unsubscribe.

*Is this an email from a company I have purchased from in the past year?  If not, it's likely time to unsubscribe.

*Is this an email from a company I have purchased from, but is helping me waste my money?  If so, unsubscribe to eliminate the temptation.

*Is this an email from a company I have purchased from, but their emails dont provide value?  You can still visit them and purchase from them, but without value it's time to unsubscribe.

*Does this company simply send an inordinate amount of emails?  They provide value, but are overwhelming?  Many times you can change your subscription rate from daily, to weekly, bi-monthly, or even monthly.  Be sure to log in to your account nd make these changes as needed.

*Additionally, create folders in your email to place certain items which you can come back to later (recipes, items to pin, inspiration items), or simply flag an email that requires your attention.

Consider applying these points to your Facebook likes as well.  Unless you're like me and have an inordinate amount of likes from entering contests.  Yes, this will take a long time.  A very, very, long time.  Yes, it's going to be put off and hopefully I'll get around to it soon.  Just be sure to take the time to check out your security settings with a fine tooth comb, because that can't wait.

I hope this has helped you.  Do you have any tips when it comes to cleaning up your email or Facebook likes?

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