Thursday, May 12, 2011

Living On a Budget, Part 2 (of 3)

If you missed the previous post in my Living On a Budget series, you can catch up HERE.

Do you clip coupons?  If you don't you really should.  You don't have to invest a lot of time to reap rewards. There are so many websites and Facebook pages out there that find the coupons for you and even let you know when there's a sale flyer out there with a deal that's perfect to match up with your coupons.

If you want to invest a little more time, fan your favorite products' pages on Facebook and they will often give you a coupon.

Even more, go to their regular website and sign up for their emails to often receive additional coupons.  If you have even more time yet (really it's not a lot or difficult), clip coupons from your Sunday paper.

Most of the sites I discuss further in this post even let you know what types of coupons are coming in the paper a day prior to their release.

Also, don't forget your friends.  Swap coupons if there are products/ brands you don't use.  Consider using a large envelope for coworkers or other friends to put unneeded coupons into.  Everyone who adds is able to look through the coupons and take what they might be able to use.

I have clipped coupons for forever it seems.  My friends used to make fun of me for having a coupon book in my purse at nineteen, but they quickly realized how useful the organizer was and how much you really can save in coupons and got their own.  I've always had a "coupon book" as I call it to file my coupons.  It really makes organizing your coupons and using them a breeze.  Just go to your local office supply store or the office supply aisle at your favorite store and look for mini plastic file organizers.  There are many sizes and styles available, but I personally like the plastic ones as they can be wiped down easily and stand up to a lot of use.  I still have my original...(many years later).  Many will come with paper labels to insert into the tabs.  Often they're already labeled, however if you just flip them over you can write anything on them.

Here's a list of the labels in my coupon book:
Front is miscellaneous- or coupons I need to use asap (it doesn't have a tab)
Noodles & Rice (I used to have a lot of coupons for this section so I gave it it's own place)
Breads (pilsbury kind...again, I used to buy this stuff a lot so I gave it it's own section)
Canned/ Jarred
Paper Towels/ Kleenex (I rolled baby items into this one when I had C)
Cleaners/ Detergents
Personal/ Shampoo
Toothpaste/ Toothbrushes
Drugs (pharmacy related items)
As you can see, I really do need to revise my tabs!

You'll want to adapt yours to your families needs and how much space your holder has.  For example; if you don't have a baby you won't need a baby section for diapers, wipes, creams, baby foods, etc.

Following, is a list of sites I like that offer notifications of coupons and deals.  Next time I will share my favorite sites for deals on toys, books, baby items, and more.

As with every site and blog you must remember that they likely reside in a different part of the country, so while they may have many deals and coupons that you're able to take advantage of, they may also have several that do not apply to you.

Would you also help promote my blog by liking each page on Facebook and letting each page know that " sent me and recommended your site on their recent post!"  Thank you!  I truly appreciate your time.

My absolute favorites:

Nifty Thrifty Savings.  Find posts on deals everywhere- from box stores to online retailers.  They also include free samples, high value coupons, and the occasional giveaway.  You can also find Nifty Thrifty Savings on Facebook.  Sign up for their daily emails so you know what's new each day.

Cheap Mama Chick.  Find posts on great amazon products and other items you can actually use including food and toys!  There are often posts on deal site deals I was unaware of.  There's also the occasional giveaway (ones truly worth entering)! She states on her Facebook page: Hunting and pecking for cheap and fresh mama, babe and kiddo deals on your not so run of the mill goods.  Find posts on great coupons, giveaways, and free products.  I love this site because each item is organized neatly on the right side of their page so you can quickly find what you need.  Also, sign up for their daily email so you know what's new each day!  You can also find on Facebook.

Swagbucks.  I'll cover swagbucks more in my next post, however you can earn points by using coupons that you print through their site.  They're the same coupons most people go to for, but you earn points towards rewards such as Amazon gift cards!  I've cashed in on several gift cards already.  It's a great and easy way to essentially get free money!

Other one's I really like that offer notifications on coupons and other info/ deals:
Free Samples 2 Fill Up Your Mailbox, and Free Samples 2 Fill Up Your Mailbox on Facebook
Enza's Bargains, and Enza's Bargains on Facebook
Budget Savvy Diva, and Budget Savvy Diva on Facebook
Adventures of a Couponista, and Adventures of a Couponista on Facebook
Coupon Pro, and Coupon Pro on Facebook
Pays 2 Save, and Pays 2 Save on Facebook
Melissa's Bargain Blog, and Melissa's Bargain Blog on Facebook
Mommy's Money Saving Obsession, and Mommy's Money Saving Obsession on Facebook

Next time, I'll share with you my favorite deal sites.  I love a deal!

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