Tuesday, April 10, 2012

DivaCup & A Giveaway!

I debated writing this for some time.  It's something that has made my life so much easier and saves money, so I figure why not.

Plus (the best part of all), I contacted DivaCup and they're giving one away to one of my readers!
What is it?
I think DivaCup explains it best on their website.  Here, in their words:
Have you ever…(?)

  • co-opted toilet paper from a public washroom as a temporary measure
  • planned a vacation around your period
  • avoided white pants for that one 'special' week of the month
  • done a supplies hand-off with a girlfriend while the dates weren't looking
  • cautiously tucked the telltale string into your bikini
  • accidentally pulled a mystery object from your purse in front of a curious male audience
  • scuttled to the washroom to survey the leak damage after a sudden 'surge'
  • clogged your toilet with "flushable" feminine products
  • left a party with a jacket tied around your waist...?
The DivaCup to the rescue!
The DivaCup is a non-absorbent menstrual cup that simply collects menstrual flow. It is inserted in the vagina and sits at the lower base of the vaginal canal. It is worn internally, yet because it is soft and smooth, it cannot be felt nor will it leak when inserted properly.
The DivaCup is the most clean and convenient method of feminine hygiene protection. No need to touch the flow. It is worn low in the vagina, not near the cervix, so it is easy to remove. No mess!
The DivaCup ends hassles with unreliable disposables in endless absorbencies, shapes and styles. It is perfect for all activities – giving women true freedom without the worry, guessing and unreliability that disposable feminine hygiene products pose.
The DivaCup can be worn for up to 12 hours before emptying, washing and reinserting for use for another 12 hours. It can be used for light or moderate flows and is emptied more often to accommodate heavy flows.  Perfect for overnight use.
The DivaCup’s expert, proprietary, patent-pending features make it comfortable and assures ease of use and reliability. Perfect for traveling, running, biking, hiking, dancing, camping, swimming, diving, scuba, yoga, extreme sports and more...

Why do I love it?
It's easy: insert, pull out as necessary, pour in toilet, rinse/ wipe/ wash, and re-insert.
It's comfortable.  If I'm not cramping labor style like I often am, I can forget I even have my period!
It gives me peace of mind.  I can go four hours or more with my heavy flow, and that, my friends is AMAZING.

My recent experience
I was recently caught out of town and without my DivaCup (and obviously in need- much earlier than expected).  I had a couple tampons I kept in my bag- just in case.  In fact I was going to remove them from my bag before this trip, but thought I should just leave them in there (thank goodness).

Anyway, tampons sufficed while I quickly got on the phone to see where I could purchase a DivaCup- stat!  Much to my dismay, there wasn't anywhere local to purchase one.

At this point I'm pondering leaving early for home just to have my DivaCup.  However, that's really kinda dumb.  So, I survive with tampons from my sister.  There was no way I was buying a whole box for one period.

So, you really want to know why I hated tampons and wanted to leave early for home?
    *That darn string!  It was itchy, it absorbed what was near it and was drying if you know what I mean.  Plus one time it got stuck in the elastic of my panties and when I sat down it pulled the tampon out a little (OK, a lot!).
   *I have heavy flow, which means I use the super plus, plus, plus tampons and still change them every 30 minutes.  With the DivaCup, I can go four hours or more!
   * I was constantly worried about leaks!  With the DivaCup I have the method down and don't worry about leaks.

I swore, once I got home, I was buying another DivaCup.  One was going to be in my bathroom at home and another in my bag at all times.  Ironically, after this time I needed to purchase a new one, so I was in the market for two.  I found a great deal on Amazon.  $23.19!  Yep, one DivaCup can last you a year or more, for only $23.19!  Sure beats the cost of tampons/ pads!

Additional Information
Yes, I use the DivaWash.  You don't have to, but honestly, it's nice to have something that I know is safe for inside my body.
Model 1: For women under 30 years old who have never delivered vaginally or by caesarean section
Model 2: For women over 30 years old and/ or for women who have delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.

Advice for the newbie
The first time you try the DivaCup it might be weird.  I compare them to OB tampons in that they don't have applicators.
You might leak a few times (maybe even a few times with a few periods) until you get the method down that works for you, because everyone's body is different.
Investigate the site for tips and insertion information if you find you're having trouble.
It really isn't hard, just different.
Yes, it comes in a cotton pouch for storage.
Once you find you like it, get another right away so you're prepared for next month- or just get two immediately!
Not sold yet?  You don't have to take my word for it.  Here are several other resources:
I'll Never Buy Tampons Again
DivaCup's Website for more on the wash, FAQ's and more
DivaCup on Facebook or Twitter for more reviews (don't forget to like/ follow them!)
Purchase on Amazon or find additional retailers here.

Also, search Divacup on youtube.

Win It!
Simply comment below with why you're excited to try the DivaCup, or why you already love it.
Be sure you leave me a way to contact you (through your profile or in your comment). 

Contest open to Canadian and US residents.

Entrance closed April 24, 2012, 11:59CST.  Winner will be chosen at random and contacted via email.  If winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new winner will be drawn.

Winner will be announced by May 1, 2012.

Spread the word, share with your friends.  And if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Disclosure: DivaCup provided me with a complementary DivaCup to review on my blog.  I was not compensated in any way for this review.  I contacted DivaCup on my own to ask about a giveaway.  All opinions are my own and have not been influenced by the company or product provided.


  1. I am excited to try a Divacup because I want to be able to sleep through the night without having to worry about leaks. I also want to be more ecofriendly and this is the perfect start! email my google account

  2. I would love to try this! I am always on the go & sometimes forget to refill the stash in my purse.

  3. My best friend swears by DivaCup, but I'm afraid to invest the money into something I'm still feeling unsure about. I'd love to win one to try - if I like it I know I'll keep buying!

  4. Want to try this but afraid to spend the money and not like it. Winning one would be great.

  5. I would like to try divacup, but the upfront cost is a bit prohibitive if it doesn't work for me.

  6. I would love to win this! I've heard so many amazing reviews from friends and it sounds like the perfect match for me. I've always had horrible menstrual cramps and was told this can help to minimize the cramps. Every time I use a tampon It seems the cramps get worse, I would love to see if this helps!

  7. I'm excited to try a Diva Cup!

  8. I love my Diva Cup! I could never go back!
    hollinsgirl7 (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. I love my diva cup, I have less cramps since using it :)
    cheralee555 @ gmail (dot) com

  10. I haven't tried the Diva Cup yet (thank you breastfeeding!) but I can't wait to try!
    OhLindsayyy @ yahoo (dot) com

  11. I cloth diaper my son because I want him to learn to respect the planet. And I want to be less hypocritical while I do that!!

  12. I love my DivaCup! I am a heavy flow kinda gal, and it really helps :)

  13. I am excited about the Divacup, because I am passionate about all things eco-friendly and frugal-friendly! The Divacup is a great way for me to help my family out, for a better environment for future generations, and for us to save money on feminine products that could be used for something better for us all.

    pullingattheapronstringselle @ gmail.com

  14. I love my Diva Cup so much. It has really been a lifesaver. It makes me feel so much better about my period and it isn't like those horrible disposable products that are itchy and irritate my skin. I've had my cup for over 5 years and I am definitely in the market for a new one. I love turning my friends on to alternate feminine products and am amazed by the mixed responses I get. Some people think it is gross and some awesome! I wish I could share just how awesome the Diva Cup is with everyone. I also recently just gifted one to my friend because she really needed an alternative. So, yay diva cup!

    1. Glad you love it! I've always wondered what my friends would think if they received a DivaCup. Kudos to you for doing it!

  15. I have wanted to try Diva Cup for a while, as my friends swear by it, but I just haven't had the courage to do it. I think once I used it I would love it, but it is new and I am old and stuck in my ways.. if I won, though, it would love to give it a go!

    a marie hj saver
    creep4ward at hotmail dotcom

  16. I have used homemade Cloth pads and Glad Rags for years, But I am always wishing for a better "heavy flow day" solution. If I use tampons, of course, they ALWAYS leak so I have to wear a pad. (even when I change 30 minutes later!) At my place of business, it is not always easy to "get away to the ladys room" so I have been reading up on quite a few "cups" but have always come back to the Diva cup. They seem so easy to use and the reveiws are great! I can't wait to get one and am counting down the days till I need to use it! I think my days of "not wanting my Flo" to come is on the way out!
    Mel- petperfection01 at gmail (dot) com

    1. Hopefully you win, but if you don't you should really give the DivaCup a try. It's been the "best thing since sliced bread" in my life. :-)

  17. I'd love to try the Diva. I've heard wonderful things about it.

  18. I love my DivaCup because it doesn't leave any nasty chemicals behind and it's good for the environment and my wallet.

    And if I win, I'm going to give it to my friend Misty, because I only need the one I already have.


  19. I love my cup! I was unsure about it at first but figured I would try it, I am absolutely in love. I want a second one and this would be a great deal on one :)I am always in love with that f word, free that is.

    Thank you for the chance to win it :)

    Facebook profile is same as my name

    1. LOL guess I should say that my cramps are all pretty much gone and I can just about forget that I have it in. I love how it is easy to use on the road, my husband is stationed in NY for work and we (2 girls and I) are in VA. We road trip to see him every 8-12weeks and this is great to use during my cycle. I also love how I can put it in in anticipation so I don't have the dreaded "MESS" that I have to clean up.

    2. Yes, I love it for the "anticipation" if you can predict! It's nice to put it in and not worry when your period is going to start.

  20. I would love to try this! Heard so many good things about it.


  21. Wanting to make the switch! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  22. I'd really love to try a divacup. I've been trying to find a retailer locally, but everywhere I've looked doesn't stock them. Winning one would finally give me the chance to try one.

    1. you won't find them in a retail supermarket ( They would lose money ) Have you tried an organic store?

    2. I agree, they're hard to find in smaller cities/ towns. That's why I purchase mine online too. Take a look at the link above (on DivaCup's website) for retailers in your area and online.

  23. I would like to try diva cup because it seems like such an efficient product. I don't have the money to go out and buy one since I am in college, and even if I did have money I can't seem to find them in any stores here. I also wouldn't want to spend that much on something that I have not used before, but winning one would be great!

  24. I would love to try a DivaCup. They seems so wonderful. I am a professional barrel racer and in college. Le sigh I wish I had the money to buy one! I hate having to run off just before I have to race. My horse needs to walk before the race to get ready and having to change your tampon 5 minutes before is a HUGE setback in my running times. To a barrel racer every second counts. I want to know what all of this Diva talk is about and try it for myself! Having to change a super plus tampon every 3 hours sucks a lot! I would love to win one before I go out and spend money!

    My email is maggiejoy1099@gmail.com

  25. I love my divacup. I studied abroad so I didn't want to pack a whole bag just for pads that I used to use. My mom and sister think I'm a werido but I love using it. I tried to convice them but they want no part of it.
    Great for saving money since I don't have a job!

    I would love another one because I have a size 1 but I have really heavy and bad periods so I would like a size 2.

    My email is
    Maggie Taylor

    1. Also... I forgot to mention that I never feel it. I do still get cramps though.
      - Maggie

    2. I still get my horrible, awful, no good, wipe you out cramps too, but at least I don't' have to worry about a tampon and leaks! Kudos to those who's cramps it helps! It's just an awesome product.

  26. Ok, I thought I already left a comment, but just in case it didn't take I am leaving it again. I would love to try the diva cup! Ever since having my third baby, it hurts to wear tampons & sometimes I can't get them in. I would also like to be able to sleep through the night too without leaking. If I don't win I am still excited to try it out.

  27. I'd love to win it because I've heard really good things about it but haven't yet had the chance to actually buy one. Thank you!
    allishagold at volcano dot net

  28. I really want to try the DivaCup, it sounds really good - no leaking! all4moonlight "at" hotmail "dot" com

  29. I just tried using soft cups and I like it. I would LOVE a diva cup!

  30. I love it!! Would love to win one, as well, so I can give it to one of my friends who can't afford much food right now, let alone feminine products.
    I have the period talk with all my friends, and guys included, so they can share the info with other women. Why? I don't have any sort of mystical connection with my period. Pretty neutral about it.
    But I'm enraged by what society has done to our periods. By telling us that these sweat-inducing, often odor absorbing or fragranced, chemical-loaded, single-use products are the only option, the messages women are getting are these, which I find morally reprehensible and so incredibly sad...
    1. Menstruation is something to be ashamed about, and to distance yourself from as much as possible. It's disgusting and dirty, and should be as discreet (hidden) as possible.
    2. Menstruation is an awful experience.
    3. Menstruation makes a woman not sexy and/or sexually untouchable/unclean for the duration of it.
    4. Menstruation is not ok to talk about openly.

    I'm sure there are other messages, but these are the ones I learned from schoolmates, church, the media, and my parents.
    And understandably with this background, I was disgusted by the idea of menstrual fluid not exiting me as fast as physically possible and being disposed of like Biosafety Level 4 waste.
    And then I thought about it.
    Silicone discourages bacteria growth. It's used in implants. And kitchen utensils. Pretty freakin safe stuff.
    And the DivaCup doesn't leak.
    And it doesn't change a vagina's PH, which pads and especially tampons usually do.
    And it doesn't vacuum all the moisture out of a vagina, which is so important for its health.
    And $35 for 10-15 years? Man, how much am I spending per month on tampons/pads? $5 per month, minimum? So, minimum $60 per year, $600 for ten years.
    The DivaCup says, "Hey, why not just accept that you have a period and be practical and healthy about it?" ...Which I fully stand behind! :) And I believe I've convinced quite a few women to get one, as well ;)
    <3 <3 <3
