Tuesday, April 3, 2012

12 Days Of Easter/ Resurrection Eggs

I planned on making my own Resurrection eggs this year.  Boy was that a fail.  I spent a ton of time compiling the various readings and materials from each of the below (wonderful!) sources and ended up with a jumbled mess of information.

To simplify, I sat down with C's My First Hands-On Bible (our favorite- highly recommended!) and thought, "Maybe I can go through here and select straight from his Bible so the entire lesson is in his 'language'."

It sounded easier than it was.  In fact, I didn't complete it.  See the Hands on Bible doesn't have every single verse in it.  I mean, what children's Bible does?  And several suggested readings from the below sources weren't even in his Bible.  However, key stories are (Feeding of  More Than 5,000, Jesus Heals Lazarus, Jesus Dies on a Cross, etc.) and that's really what matters.

And so, the project remains incomplete.  Honestly, it remains incomplete, because it takes time- more time than I have at the moment, when there aren't 12 days before Easter.  See, I'm already behind and feeling rushed.  It also doesn't help when you're trying to complete it with a child in your lap day after day (you know they have radar for this sort of thing).  Perhaps, I will leave everything as is until next year.

Do any of you have the My First Hands-On Bible and are willing to help me out?  I would be grateful.

12 Days Of Easter Unit- information & activities to go along with resurrection/ 12 days of Easter eggs.

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