Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Medicine Cabinet Organization

Last week Sunday (I think) I had a pretty frustrating and yet productive day.  I, along with many others I presume, are in the throws of organization throughout the home.  Every time I pack up the Christmas decor it makes me want to change up the general decor in our home (with what I already have- or at least most) with Decor Printables & Ideas, and in turn purging and organizing.  Here is one such project. 

Along with making pinwheel cookies, I attempted my first round of organization within the medicine cabinet.  I use the term medicine cabinet loosely as it holds toothpaste, toothbrushes, sunscreen, poufs, contact solution, and so very much more.

Here are the before pictures.

I'd like to say this was an area I kept well organized.  I thought it had relatively good organization in that we always knew where needed items were.  However, when I started going through everything I quickly realized the area needed help.  I couldn't believe the quantity of items that I threw in the garbage!

I had four unused storage containers (two that you're able to see in photos) so I utilized those to provide temporary organization.  I went to the dollar store for some flat bottomed and vertical sided containers- but they didn't have any good ones- not what I was thinking.  Take a look at the photos and you'll see there's a lot of wasted space. The sides are slanted and the top edges curve.


I'm really excited about the bins for medications.  They were always falling like dominoes when one item was bumped.  This way they'll stay organized and in place.

I'll keep you posted with the (hopefully) greater improvement once I purchase some better bins.  Walmart was the only place that had these and I was hoping to get them at a lower price point.  Guess I'll add it to my wishlist.  For now though, these bins work just fine.

Do you have any tips or a great medicine cabinet transformation you'd like to share?

Update: Here is my after, after photo with the bins I wanted.  Even better.

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