Thursday, December 1, 2011

Toy Organization

I thought this fitting to prepare for Christmas...(well all the time really in a household with children!).

From time to time I get to the "edge" when all of the toys don't fit neatly inside the few bins we have in C's room.  We don't have a play room.  It's then that I go through his room to see what I can purge- whether it be for donation, consignment, or repair.  I think this happens often enough that the amount of toys are mostly under control.  I suppose that could also be attributed to the fact that I believe more in educational items and books than toys themselves.  As you might imagine then, we have a lot of books and other items.

The book overflow is on top and inside a closet; along with other educational items.

Whether you're inundated by loads of toys that put you over the edge, an overabundance of art supplies, whatever your personal dilemma or struggle I believe the 7-Day Toy Cure will be of assistance to you.

Even if this is something you do often in your own way (like me) it's still a reminder to look at different areas of the home- not just the "play space."

Additionally, something I've been wanting to share with you for some time (and one I've found usefuly for many years) is that it's always a good idea to keep a bag or bin somewhere in your home for donation/ consignment items.  For some this might be in the middle of your hall, or in a closet.  Somewhere you AND your children know where it is.  It will serve as a reminder to purge unneeded or unwanted items.  Then when out running errands all you have to do is grab the bag or bin to drop off at the donation center.

"I would even take this further. Holding onto ANYTHING that doesn't have a working role in your home won't allow you to create new space for ANYTHING new to come into your life — things, jobs, people, opportunities, etc. Even as we bring new things in, we need to bring old things out. In this way, we ensure a vital life flow in our lives." 
~Excerpt from How to Declutter Your Home on Apartment Therapy

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