Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Television & Texting

Sometimes there's an article out there that I really want to share with you.  I feel like there have been a lot of those lately, but rest assured you'll get a variety of things here at Chasing Chalk.  Right now it just seems to be more links.  Please let me know if you have any favorites- especially on this topic.

Over at Raising Arrows she recently addressed an important topic in all our lives: Children or not, Christian or not.  We Don't Own a Television and Why That Doesn't Make Us Any Better

Consider your own home and the technology you surround yourself with.  Also consider the literal season- it's Fall and we're (me too!) starting to spend a lot more time indoors watching TV due to the temperature.

Raising Arrows has also shared Too Busy Texting to Parent.  I text and am guilty at times of misdirecting my attention.

Ironically enough, as I was preparing this post, I read an article on the very same subject from Parenting.  Family Unplugged: Life Without Technology.

I hope you take the time to read each of these articles and that they help you in your own personal technology struggle.

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