Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The BEST Item For Your Baby/ Child's Room

Yes, I'm declaring something the BEST item for your baby/ child's room.  It's really quite simple.  It's a dimmer switch.

I'm sharing this because I don't know how I would have made it all these years without one- especially that first year.  Also, I've come to realize a lot of people don't do this or think of it.

Why do you want one?  There's several reasons.

-When you go in to check on your baby five thousand times a night you can just use the dimmer instead of a bright lamp or turning on the light full force.

-When you're still half-asleep and need to soothe or rock your baby to sleep, nurse/ feed, or change a diaper. You can still have low light, but see where you're walking and what you're doing.  And hopefully get back to sleep faster yourself.

-If you have a child that's afraid of the dark and a night light isn't enough, you can have the dimmer on a lower setting.  This also works if you're short on outlets for a night light or your outlet locations aren't ideal.

-You can lower the light setting when getting your child ready for bed, making the transition to sleep easier and hopefully relaxing them.  It also acts as a sleep or bedtime cue.

-When you have a new baby who will be sharing a room with a sibling.  This will allow lower light so as to not disturb the older child(ren).

Now don't freak out.  Yes, you can install it.  My husband is not in any way an electrician, but he was able to do it.  I'm also pretty sure you could likely get a friend to install one for you.  It doesn't take long either.

There are dimmer switches and slides.  If you have an older home you probably want to go the regular switch route, because it still looks like a regular switch (see mine).  If you have a newer home there are many modern styles available.  These can be purchased at any local hardware store and are really just a different "box" behind your faceplate.

What do you think?  Do you have a dimmer and do you love it as much as I do?  What's your must have baby/ child item?

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