Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baltic Amber- Teething Necklace

From time to time I plan on reviewing various products (good or bad) that can help your family meet a need, solve a problem, or save money.  Please enjoy this first review.

A necklace for teething?
A necklace for teething that isn't chewed on?

This is something that is likely as new to you as it was for me.  I heard the above and thought, "Yeah, right.  What's a necklace going to do for teething?"

Well, here's what it will do for teething (from their web-site):
Balitc Amber has been used for thousands of years all across Europe and Asia to help calm and alleviate the pain of teething babies for thousands of years. Baltic Amber contains Succinic Acid and when it is heated against the skin it releases an all natural analgesic (pain relief) which helps to ease teething pains in children as well as colic and gas and other ailments. Baltic amber will help calm a baby without resorting to drugs.

These also work wonders with adults! They help with Migraines, arthritis, acid reflux and many, many other issues!! Amber is fossilized resin, which warms against the skin, releasing its therapeutic properties safely and naturally.

Benefits and healing properties of Baltic Amber and Hazelwood: Alleviates pain and symptoms associated with teething, reduces arthritis pain, reduces and prevents migraine headaches, golfing pain relief, baseball pitching elbow and shoulder, reduces acid reflux, heartburn, reduces and eliminates eczema, psoriasis, balances digestive system and GI track, improves sleep cycles, lifts overall mood and feelings of depression.

I was interested in the baltic amber teething necklace since C's teething is awful.  He's extremely irritable, has fevers, knaws on his fingers to where they're almost bleeding at times, drools, and affects his appetite.  Best of all, C only once got two teeth at one time, but typically gets four or more at a time.  The only things I've found to be helpful are cool soft foods and children's ibuprofren.  The unfortunate part is that we go through 3/4 to a whole bottle every teething "bout" and I don't feel good about that.

After reviewing their site as well as others I still had questions and of course wanted to shop around to find the best price and the best reviews.  I still came back to Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces.  I quickly went on Facebook to ask questions and received a very quick response.  In fact, as I asked questions and received answers I had more questions.  They were very helpful and informative- not pushy.  I thought Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces deserved my business.

I figured we had little to lose and if it didn't work I'd feel better that we gave it a try.  If it worked it would be great for everyone and we could save money on children's ibuprofen.

After placing my order in the evening it was shipped out the next day and I believe recieved in two.  It was a quick process!  I ordered a raw butterstotch/ light honey bean necklace.  I chose the raw bean because it looked more manly to me, and the lighter color because it's said that it releases a trace more oil.  Plus, I thought it would blend more with C's skin.  There are many colors to choose from- many more than when I ordered and that wasn't long ago!

C was really excited to have his own necklace since mommy usually wears necklaces too.  He's been wearing his necklace for two months now and we all love it.

How do we know it works?  My husband was a skeptic as well and after a week took it off C.  He was quickly irritable and just plain cranky.  He also started gnawing on his fingers.  After about 24 hours I put the necklace back on and within an hour he was pretty close to normal.  C still gets most of his teething symptoms, but it squelches his ittrirability, which makes for a happier C and a happier mom.  Well worth it in my book!

Please remember that everyone will receive different levels of relief- some more than others.

My only disappointment?  That I didn't know about this sooner!

Want one (or more)?  Head over to Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces to shop.  While you're there, through May receive free shipping on an order of $45 or more.

Have questions?
Email Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces at, or visit their Facebook page to send them a message.

Please note that this review is entirely my own and I was not prompted or compensated in any way.

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